ProtoLink developed a telephony web site feature for an internet-based communication services merchant allowing web site visitors to simply click on a button to initiate a call to a predetermined phone number.
The feature provides a call-bridging service, allowing website visitors to simply click on a button to initiate a call to a predetermined phone number, which is typically a sales or customer support number for the website.
The implementation involved maintaining an ASP page for each customer utilizing the calling feature. The customer-specific pages simply route requests and unique customer IDs to a web page that is common for all companies. This common page is responsible for gathering the single-leg calling information from the end-user. Before prompting the user, the page uses a COM object to query a database with the customer’s ID to obtain customer-specific text and, potentially, graphics, for the form. After the successful query, the data-entry form is displayed and ready for user entry. Once the user submits the information, the web page invokes the necessary methods on the COM object to bridge the call. The COM object interacts with a database that serves as the interface to the company’s switch, adding the appropriate entries for authentication, call triggering, and logging.